
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) transcends individual interests, requiring a global collaborative effort. Thus, securing global health against AMR threats is not just a necessity but a shared responsibility. This is why we're building a transparent platform for data sharing and leveraging analytics to forecast AMR trends. By bridging the gap between resource-rich institutions and those in need, we of the Counter-Resistance aim to ensure everyone, everywhere, benefits from comprehensive AMR surveillance and response strategies.

What is AMR

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) means bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites evolve resistance to the medications intended to kill or curb their growth. This leaves standard treatments ineffective, resulting in persistent and potentially lethal infections with a heightened risk of spreading to others. While AMR is a natural phenomenon, it is accelerated by the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials in humans, animals, and agriculture, positioning it as a critical global public health challenge, both now and for the foreseeable future.

Our Mission

Our mission is to combat the rising threat of antimicrobial resistance by fostering a unified global network that prioritizes data exchange, predictive analytics, and collaborative action. To empower every corner of the globe, from well-resourced institutions to those in the most resource-limited settings, with the tools and insights needed to collect, predict, prevent, and counteract AMR. Through innovation, transparency, and shared responsibility, we are dedicated to safeguarding public health and ensuring a future where antibiotics remain effective.

Our Vision for the AMR Platform

We wish to address AMR by harnessing global data to enable analytics, research, inform policy, and guide clinical decisions.

  • Global collaboration: Recognizing that AMR is a global challenge, we enable the collection of datasets from across the world, making them accessible in one location for comprehensive analysis and action.
  • Data-driven decisions: By aggregating extensive AMR data, we empower healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers with the information needed to make informed decisions that improve health outcomes and optimize antibiotic use.
  • Innovation and research: Through providing datasets for analysis, we foster innovation, aiding in the development of new insights, treatments, diagnostics, and strategies to combat AMR.

We utilize blockchain as the foundational database for recording dataset submissions, ensuring transparency, eliminating single points of failure, and future-proofing our platform through secure, decentralized storage and the automation of operations with smart contracts. While blockchain is instrumental in this way, our comprehensive approach includes:

  • Off-Chain Data Storage: To efficiently manage large datasets, we store the bulk of our data off-chain, ensuring the platform's scalability and accessibility without compromising performance.
  • Community and Collaboration: We are dedicated to building a community around the AMR platform, incorporating reputation management and contributor validation mechanisms to foster high-quality data submissions and sustained user engagement.
  • Incentives for Contribution: We integrate reputuational and financial incentive mechanisms to encourage regular, fair and useful submissions, keeping the platform current and relevant.

The Societal Impact

The AMR platform is not just a technological innovation. It promises to touch every corner of society, from healthcare and agriculture to economic stability and global biodiversity. Here's a closer look at the impact and societal benefits of our efforts:

  • Healthcare Revolution: By guiding effective treatments, the AMR platform aims to lower the risk of drug-resistant infections, ensuring surgeries and treatments remain safe and predictable. This translates to lives saved and a reduction in healthcare burdens worldwide.
  • Agricultural Integrity: Insights into AMR spread in agriculture help inform sustainable practices, ensuring a safe food supply chain. The platform supports global food security while protecting the health of communities and the livelihoods of farmers.
  • Safeguarding Economies: Addressing AMR head-on can prevent trillions in economic losses, safeguarding resources for innovation and development. The platform could play a pivotal role in maintaining economic vibrancy and resilience against the AMR threat.
  • Global Health Equity: Data-driven interventions are crucial for outbreak preparedness and antibiotic stewardship, especially in vulnerable regions. It's about ensuring a healthier future for all, regardless of geographic or economic barriers.
  • Ecosystem Protection: Monitoring AMR's impact on the environment helps protect global biodiversity, maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems. Our commitment extends to ensuring the planet remains a nurturing home for future generations.
  • United Against AMR: The platform aims to catalyze global collaboration, uniting diverse stakeholders in the fight against AMR.
  • Commitment to the Future: Promoting antibiotic stewardship, the platform is part of a broader commitment to ensure that these critical medicines remain effective for future generations. It's a moral imperative to act now, securing a legacy of health and well-being.

Existing Efforts to Combat AMR

Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (GLASS)

  • Similarities: Like GLASS, we focus on global surveillance and standardized reporting to inform strategies against AMR.
  • Differences: Our platform utilizes blockchain for secure, transparent data submission and peer reviews, and offers incentives for contributions, a feature not present in GLASS.

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

  • Similarities: Both aim to raise awareness and mobilize action against AMR.
  • Differences: We provide a technological framework for data sharing and analysis, backed by blockchain, and offer financial incentives, whereas the Coalition focuses more on advocacy.


  • Similarities: CARB-X and our platform both encourage innovation in combating AMR.
  • Differences: While CARB-X funds research and development of new products, our platform facilitates data-driven predictive analytics and connects funding institutions with those in need, leveraging blockchain technology.

National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS)

  • Similarities: NARMS and our initiative both involve surveillance of AMR.
  • Differences: Our platform's global scope and blockchain integration for data submission and peer review extend beyond NARMS' focus on the US and food safety.

Fleming Fund

  • Similarities: Both aim to support low- and middle-income countries in managing AMR data.
  • Differences: Besides funding, our platform enhances data sharing and analysis capabilities with blockchain technology and predictive analytics, encouraging richer institutions to support poorer ones.

ResistanceMap by the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP)

  • Similarities: Both initiatives offer data to inform public health strategies.
  • Differences: Our platform adds the dimension of blockchain-backed data management and community incentives for data submission and peer review.

The AMR Register

  • Similarities: The AMR Register, part of Vivli's initiative, also aims to share AMR surveillance data, facilitating global research and development efforts against AMR.
  • Differences: Unlike our platform, which integrates blockchain for data integrity and offers a comprehensive incentive model, The AMR Register primarily focuses on making industry-contributed surveillance data accessible for research purposes.

AMR Industry Alliance

  • Similarities: Similar to our platform's goals, the AMR Industry Alliance is committed to combating AMR through collaboration and innovation, involving stakeholders across the biotech, diagnostics, and pharmaceutical industries.
  • Differences: While the AMR Industry Alliance focuses on industry-driven efforts, including responsible antibiotic manufacturing and access, our platform leverages blockchain technology for data integrity, provides incentives for community engagement, and supports predictive analytics to drive global AMR strategies.


  • Similarities: Both platforms allow for the sharing and visualization of data.
  • Differences: We incorporate predictive analytics and blockchain-backed data management, plus a model to incentivize data sharing across institutions.


  • Similarities: SeqSphere+ and our platform both support AMR surveillance through data collection and analysis.
  • Differences: Our approach includes blockchain for data integrity, a community-driven incentive system, and predictive analytics capabilities.

Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg (IBBL)

  • Similarities: Both contribute to biomedical research with an emphasis on data and sample management.
  • Differences: Our platform extends beyond biospecimen management to include blockchain-enhanced data sharing, peer reviews, and a system designed to foster global support among institutions.

Enabling Innovation

A comprehensive AMR data platform is a springboard for innovation, driving the creation of diverse companies dedicated to combating antimicrobial resistance. Explore the future of healthcare and technology, inspired by such data:

  • AMR-Focused Biotech Firms: Spearhead the development of new antibiotics and therapies, targeting the most resistant pathogens.
  • AMR Diagnostic Developers: Craft cutting-edge diagnostics for rapid, accurate detection of resistant infections.
  • AMR Data Analytics Services: Specialize in deep analysis of AMR trends to offer actionable insights for healthcare and policy decision-makers.
  • Personalized Medicine Companies: Tailor treatment plans based on individual genetics and localized AMR data, ensuring optimal care.
  • AMR Surveillance Drone Operations: Deploy advanced drones for environmental monitoring, pinpointing AMR spread in real-time.
  • AMR Educational Platforms: Offer comprehensive learning resources for all levels, from healthcare workers to the general public, on combating AMR.
  • Antibiotic Stewardship Consultancies: Guide healthcare facilities in implementing sustainable antibiotic use practices informed by our data.
  • AMR-Themed Games and Simulations: Engage and educate through games that simulate AMR scenarios, raising awareness in a compelling way.
  • Environmental Monitoring Firms: Track AMR in ecosystems, from wastewater to agriculture, to inform global health strategies.
  • AMR Risk Assessment for Insurance Products: Revolutionize insurance with AMR-informed risk models for health and agriculture sectors.
  • Public Health Crisis Management Firms: Leverage real-time data for effective outbreak response and management services.
  • AMR Research Crowdfunding Platforms: Connect cutting-edge research with funding opportunities, spotlighting urgent AMR challenges.
  • Custom Antibiotic Compounding Pharmacies: Adapt antibiotic formulations to combat local resistance patterns, optimizing treatment outcomes.
  • AMR Compliance and Reporting Software for Agriculture: Help producers manage antibiotic use responsibly, reducing resistance risk.
  • Global AMR Policy Think Tanks: Shape policies with data-driven insights, advocating for a unified approach to AMR management.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Training for AMR Response: Enhance readiness with immersive VR simulations for healthcare professionals.
  • AMR Genomic Sequencing Services: Provide specialized sequencing to uncover resistance mechanisms, guiding global tracking efforts.

Invest in Global Health

We're on a mission to harness data, technology, and innovation to combat antimicrobial resistance, one of the most pressing public health challenges of our time. Your investment can make a difference in this global fight, creating a healthier future for generations to come. Contact us to explore investment opportunities, such as:

  • Pharmaceutical R&D Partnerships: Invest in the future of healthcare by licensing cutting-edge AMR data for the development of groundbreaking antibiotics and treatments.
  • Predictive Analytics Subscription Service: Capitalize on analytics to empower healthcare institutions, insurers, and public health bodies with predictive insights for proactive outbreak management and resource optimization.
  • Public Health Impact Bonds: Drive tangible public health improvements and achieve financial returns with investments tied to successful AMR reduction outcomes, supported by government and global health partnerships.
  • Ecosystem Acceleration for Startups: Fuel innovation by investing in a fertile ecosystem for startups focusing on AMR diagnostics, treatments, and management technologies, with privileged access to a comprehensive data and analytics platform.
  • Blockchain Innovation in Healthcare: Lead the blockchain revolution in healthcare by supporting secure, transparent data sharing and financial transactions, showcasing blockchain's potential for societal good.
  • Investment with Reputation Impact: Elevate your investment portfolio by contributing to a global cause, enhancing your reputation as a leader committed to addressing critical health challenges.
  • Strategic Alliances with Governments and NGOs: Forge strategic investments aligned with governmental and NGO initiatives to combat AMR, opening new avenues for co-investment and impactful policy development.
  • Proprietary Intellectual Property: Secure a stake in proprietary tools and methodologies designed for AMR surveillance and prediction, with broad applications across the healthcare spectrum.
  • API Economy and Third-party Applications: Tap into the API economy by developing or investing in applications that utilize our AMR data, fostering a dynamic ecosystem of health technology innovations.
  • Educational Content and Certification Programs: Invest in the development and monetization of educational programs and certifications for healthcare professionals, driving AMR stewardship and informed management practices.
  • Dynamic Insurance Products: Revolutionize the insurance industry with products that utilize real-time AMR data for dynamic pricing, mitigating risks associated with AMR outbreaks.
  • Consumer Health Applications: Lead the way in consumer health by backing applications that offer personalized recommendations, enhancing individual health and wellbeing in the context of AMR.
  • Venture Philanthropy in Global Health: Combine financial returns with a profound public health impact through venture philanthropy, supporting innovative solutions to global health challenges.
  • Investing in Global Health Security: Be at the forefront of global health security by investing in infrastructure critical to AMR surveillance, preparedness, and response.
  • Cross-Sector Partnership Opportunities: Collaborate across technology, healthcare, and finance sectors to create comprehensive solutions to AMR, leveraging the unique strengths of each domain.

Concerns and Skepticism

While the AMR platform aims to make significant strides in combating antimicrobial resistance globally, we recognize that skepticism exists. Understanding and addressing these concerns are crucial steps toward fostering constructive dialogue and collaboration. Below are concerns and how we plan to address them:

  • Privacy Advocates: Potential risks around the privacy of collected health and environmental data.

    Our commitment to data privacy involves stringent use of encryption and data anonymization techniques, adhering to global data protection laws, ensuring user consent, and maintaining transparency about data use.

  • Pharmaceutical Industry: Worries about sharing sensitive data that might affect competitive positioning.

    We aim to engage with the pharmaceutical industry, emphasizing the shared benefits of data collaboration, enhancing AMR research, and safeguarding proprietary information.

  • Small-scale Farmers: Concerns that AMR data collection could lead to restrictive regulations affecting their operations.

    Our commitment is to equip farmers with resources and support for AMR-reducing practices, advocating for regulations that safeguard public health while supporting the viability of the agricultural sector.

  • Government and Regulatory Bodies: Concerns regarding the platform's alignment with current policy and regulatory environments.

    We strive to ensure the platform's data and insights augment existing policy frameworks, aiding in the formulation of informed, evidence-based regulatory and policy decisions.

  • General Public: Questions about the platform's objectives, efficacy, and scope.

    Prioritizing transparency, we actively engage in open conversations about our mission, the platform's functionality, and its benefits, aiming to foster trust through straightforward, understandable communication.

  • Economic Concerns: The potential financial burden of AMR surveillance and management efforts, particularly in areas with limited resources.

    Highlighting the cost-saving potential of early AMR detection and management, we are dedicated to demonstrating the platform's value. Our initiatives and incentives to secure supportive funding are designed to make solutions accessible in the most affected regions.

Leveraging AI and Smart LLMs

At the forefront of our mission to combat antimicrobial resistance, we recognize the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly Large Language Models (LLMs). Here's how these integrate into our platform and future-proof our ecosystem:

  • Automated Analysis for Real-time Insights. We aim to harness AI for the automated analysis of AMR data, extracting critical insights, trends, and patterns to support informed decision-making and policy development.
  • Simplifying Interactions Through Natural Language. We intend to implement LLMs to facilitate natural language processing for data entry and querying, enhancing accessibility and user engagement with our platform.
  • Predictive Modeling for Proactive Measures. Our goal is to develop AI-driven predictive models that can accurately forecast AMR trends and potential hotspots, enabling proactive interventions and more effective antibiotic use.
  • Streamlining Data Validation. We plan to utilize AI to automate the data validation process, improving the efficiency and reliability of our dataset, ensuring that our platform remains a trusted source of AMR information.
  • Embracing Modular Architecture. We are committed to a modular design for our platform, facilitating the seamless integration of new AI technologies and ensuring flexibility to adapt to future advancements.
  • Open API Standards for Innovation. By adopting open API standards, we aim to encourage innovation, allowing external developers to build specialized applications that complement and enhance our AMR combat strategies.
  • Scalable Infrastructure for Advanced AI. We intend to build and maintain an infrastructure capable of supporting the computational demands of advanced AI technologies, ensuring our platform's performance remains robust and reliable.
  • Ethical Guidelines for AI Use. Our dedication extends to establishing clear ethical guidelines for AI use within our platform, focusing on data privacy, security, and bias mitigation, to uphold the highest standards of integrity and trust.
  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation. We aim to implement a continuous learning loop for AI models within our platform, ensuring they evolve and improve with new data and insights.
  • Engaging and Empowering Our Users. We intend to actively engage with our platform's users, providing training and resources to maximize the benefits of AI and LLM technologies in their fight against AMR.


  • What is the AMR platform? The AMR platform is an initiative designed to collect, analyze, and share data on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), facilitating research and informing public health strategies.
  • How does the AMR platform work? It aggregates AMR data from healthcare institutions, laboratories, and environmental sources worldwide, allowing predictive analytics of AMR spread and other applications.
  • Who can contribute data to the platform? Healthcare providers, researchers, environmental scientists, and any institutions engaged in AMR surveillance are encouraged to contribute data.
  • Is my data safe on the platform? Yes, we employ state-of-the-art encryption and anonymization techniques to protect all data on the platform, adhering to strict global data privacy regulations.
  • How can I access the AMR data? Access is granted to researchers, healthcare professionals, and policy-makers through a controlled application process, ensuring data is used responsibly for public health purposes.
  • What kind of insights can be gained from the platform? The platform provides insights into AMR trends, resistance mechanisms, and the effectiveness of antibiotics, helping to guide treatment decisions and inform public health policies.
  • How does the platform benefit healthcare professionals? It offers real-time data on AMR patterns, supporting clinical decision-making and antibiotic stewardship efforts in healthcare settings.
  • Can the platform help predict AMR outbreaks? Yes, by analyzing data trends, the platform can help forecast potential AMR outbreaks, enabling proactive public health responses.
  • What is the role of blockchain technology in the platform? Blockchain ensures the integrity and transparency of data on the platform, facilitating secure, future-proof data sharing across the global AMR community.
  • How is the platform funded? Funding comes from a mix of governmental grants, philanthropic contributions, and partnerships with public and private sector organizations committed to combating AMR.
  • How can I get involved or contribute to the platform? Interested parties can apply through our website to contribute data, access the data for research, or support the platform through funding and collaboration opportunities.

Join us

We are in search of dedicated individuals eager to drive change in the following roles:

  • Public Health Strategist: Utilizes expertise in epidemiology and health policy to steer platform strategy.
  • Biostatistician/Data Modeler: Analyzes AMR data and predicts future trends.
  • Blockchain Architect: Crafts a secure blockchain infrastructure for reliable data exchange.
  • Clinical Microbiologist: Contributes pathogen and AMR knowledge for rigorous data verification.
  • Systems Integration Engineer: Merges our platform seamlessly with existing healthcare IT frameworks.
  • Global Health Policy Advisor: Offers guidance on global compliance and health policy matters.
  • Training Specialist: Designs comprehensive training materials for users.
  • Outreach Director: Fosters partnerships and enhances platform visibility.
  • Funding Expert: Identifies financial opportunities and develops sustainability strategies.
  • Adoption Lead: Ensures smooth platform rollout and widespread use.

Let's build a sustainable, impactful platform that mobilizes global efforts against AMR, ensuring the health security of all nations.